Über The Parts You Lose diskutieren

In "The Spirit of the Beehive" (1973), a little girl comes across a wounded Republican in a disused barn in Franco-era Spain. The relationship between the wounded fugitives and the naive kids seemed (somewhat) parallel, though the boy is deaf. Or am I reading too much into these very different films?

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I haven't heard of "The parts you lose" so I can't say. Have you seen The Devil's Backbone that seems it might fit too.

@mechajutaro said:

@Otokichi786 said:

In "The Spirit of the Beehive" (1973), a little girl comes across a wounded Republican in a disused barn in Franco-era Spain. The relationship between the wounded fugitives and the naive kids seemed (somewhat) parallel, though the boy is deaf. Or am I reading too much into these very different films?

Sounds like Beehive could be remade as modern exploitation flick, with an unknown child actor(heir to the crown once held by Dakota Fanning)stumbling across a F--ker Carlson devotee in said barn, barely clinging to life after he made the questionable move of walking into a Whole Foods wearing his MAGA hat, inciting a re-enactment of The OK Coral with a gang of well-armed Bernie Bros

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