Debatir Gravitāte

Item: Gravity

Language: en

Type of Problem: Incorrect_content

Extra Details: Great space-thriller, no question. But is it really Science-Fiction? It's rather Science-Fact from my point of view.

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seems like he changed his mind.

Alfonso Cuaron says he doesn't consider his space blockbuster Gravity to be a science fiction film. The space thriller is a front runner for best picture at the Oscars, and Cuaron is the favourite to win best director.

"To be honest, I never thought I was doing a science fiction movie," he told the BBC in an exclusive interview in Los Angeles.

"I thought I was doing a drama of a woman in space."

The problem here is that genres are shaped by how influential movie sites use them. In this case all sources I checked had this down as a Sci-Fi Thriller. That means users are expecting to find this movie with that genre here as well no matter what the director's opinion would be. My personal opinion is that there are elements of the movie that clearly fits the Sci-Fi genre even though it's not a prototypical Science-Fiction movie. Maybe an upcoming comparison will be The Martian?

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