Über Green Book – Eine besondere Freundschaft diskutieren


I wasn't convinced by Mortensen's pretty stereotypical Brooklyn accent, but as the trailer went on the premise drew me in. The music was perfect to accent the clips and by the end I felt pretty certain that this film will be a strong Oscar contender in the Fall. Both actors seem genuine and the chemistry is excellent. Yes, we've all seen movies like it before and the director and writers behind it aren't known for finesse or drama, but I'm hopeful that Mortensen and Ali elevate the material and make it work.

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Try this documentary about the real "Green Book": https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/581012-the-green-book?language=en-US Here's a panel discussion about Victor Green's "The Negro Motorist Green Book" (1936-1966): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpmYFF-bPmo

It's a really well thought out well put together well crafted film. It has a number of targets it has to hit along the way and it does that. It's almost old fashioned in a way. When I saw it as the last scene played I thought it corny then realized how well made it was. Yes you have seen it before. It's every film where two guys who have little in conmon learn to love each other after being stuck together for a long enough time. It's a male bonding buddy road trip and a good one.

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