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My Man (1996)

12 08/15/1997 (US) RomanceComedyDrama 1h 39m
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In Lyon, where many are unemployed, Marie is a prostitute who loves her work: she's thoughtful and exuberant toward clients old and young, slim or flabby. One night, a homeless man sleeps in the foyer of her apartment house; she gives him a hot meal, then a place on the floor to sleep by her radiator, then she offers herself. She falls in love, giving him new life, clothes, a place to live. When he grouses that he must bar hop while she uses the flat for her work, she finds them a larger flat. He grows restless, seducing a manicurist and pressing her to prostitution. He's arrested for procuring, so Marie must decide what to do; he, too, must face the consequences of his choices.

  1. Bertrand Blier

    Director, Screenplay

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My Man
My Man

Original Title Mon homme

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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