Über Detective Dee and the Mystery of the Phantom Flame diskutieren

DDie Buddha Statue ist 220 Meter hoch, nicht 70 Meter wie im Text beschrieben. Bitte korrigieren ;-)

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Is one of these overview translations the specific one that's inaccurate, @Marco? The English overview doesn't mention anything about a statue or its height.

@rauchi said:

DDie Buddha Statue ist 220 Meter hoch, nicht 70 Meter wie im Text beschrieben. Bitte korrigieren ;-)

@rauchi Die Buddha-Statue ist 66 Meter (216 Feet) hoch.

Text Empress Wu Zetian 武则天 [624-705]:

During this period she came under the spell of Xue Huaiyi 懷義 ➚ who had been a pedlar of medicines. He became the Empress’s lover and therefore immensely powerful and rich. He oversaw the building of the Imperial meeting hall Ming Tang 明堂 ➚ which was a vast construction - 294 feet high and adorned with an iron phoenix coated in gold on its top. Nearby a huge wooden Buddha 200 feet high was built - the Empress was a prime mover in promulgating the ‘new’ Buddhist faith in China.

Text Wikipedia:

Translation in English:

In order to show her supreme majesty and the prosperity of the empire, Wu Zetian ordered the construction of the "Tongtian Buddha", a symbol of the supreme imperial power, as high as sixty-six meters.

Side note:

The text that @rauchi posted about is located in the German section here:


China im Jahr 690: In der Hauptstadt Luoyang City soll Wu Zetian zur ersten Kaiserin gekrönt werden. Eine 70 Meter große Buddhastatue muss noch rechtzeitig zur feierlichen Krönungszeremonie fertiggestellt werden, doch plötzlich gehen sowohl der Bauleiter, als auch der Polizeiminister in Flammen auf. Um die mysteriösen Vorkommnisse aufzuklären, befreit Wu Zetian den von ihr höchstpersönlich eingesperrten Detective Dee. Obwohl er ein offener Gegner ihrer Politik ist, nimmt er aus Interesse an diesem so geheimnisvollen wie magischen Fall die Ermittlungen auf.

Thanks, @wonder. 66 meters, that Wikipedia indicates (in what you quoted, above), certainly is a huge difference from the 220 meters that Marco mentioned. I take it that American "feet" system of measurement is getting mixed up with meters.

It appears that the accurate height is 66 meters.

I've just now changed the German overview to indicate that. If anyone doesn't agree with that height, please let me know.

OK, I see your points. I watched the movie (Blu-Ray) in German language and it seems to be a translation problem there. During the movie they speek from 220 meters and not from 220 feet. I you want to check this and have the German Edition Blu-Ray you find the statement around 2:30 Min.

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