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Illegal (1955)

NR 10/09/1955 (US) CrimeDrama 1h 28m
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He was a guy who marked 100 men for death - until a blonde called 'Angel' O'Hara marked him for life!


A hugely successful DA goes into private practice after sending a man to the chair -- only to find out later he was innocent. Now the drunken attorney only seems to represent criminals and low lifes.

  1. Lewis Allen


  2. James R. Webb


  3. W.R. Burnett


  4. Frank J. Collins


Top Billed Cast

  1. Edward G. Robinson

    Edward G. Robinson

    Victor Scott

  2. Nina Foch

    Nina Foch

    Ellen Miles

  3. Hugh Marlowe

    Hugh Marlowe

    Ray Borden

  4. Jayne Mansfield

    Jayne Mansfield

    Angel O'Hara

  5. Albert Dekker

    Albert Dekker

    Frank Garland

  6. Howard St. John

    Howard St. John

    E.A. Smith

  7. Ellen Corby

    Ellen Corby

    Miss Hinkel

  8. Edward Platt

    Edward Platt

    Ralph Ford

  9. Jan Merlin

    Jan Merlin

    Andy Garth

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew


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