Apspriediet Joker

Not a crazy bad casting choice, but what's wrong with Jeffrey Dean Morgan?!? He was shown/established in Batman v Superman..and definitely LOOKS the part!!! DC was finally looking like they're righting the ship with Aquaman & Shazam!...now all these crazy casting changes for THIS movie...I don't get it!

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There's a theory that this Joker movie may be a remake of the "The Man Who Laughs", that would explain some of the directions they're going with this movie.

Ugh this def killed it for me. Hope they make up for the horrible casting.

@Damienracer said:

@OddRob said:

Ugh this def killed it for me. Hope they make up for the horrible casting.

He has dropped out.

Haha already? Probably realized he actually has to fucking act.

Brett Cullen is the new Thomas Wayne

To be honest, I like Brett Cullen in this. All those rumours about Alec Baldwin playing a Trump-like figure were just a disaster, I've not seen him in a dramatic role in such a long time that I wouldn't know how to take it. Maybe too much 30 Rock for me and watching him play the straight man.

He's a cold blooded villain though, Glenn Gary Glenn Ross and Malice being two of my favourite performances of his.

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