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Favourites of the Moon (1985)

M/12 02/08/1985 (US) ComedyCrimeDrama 1h 45m
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A porcelain table service and a painting from the 19th century pass from hand to hand and deteriorate over time, sealing the fate of different characters who cross paths in Paris.

  1. Otar Iosseliani

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Gérard Brach


Top Billed Cast

  1. Katja Rupé

    Katja Rupé


  2. Alix de Montaigu

    Delphine Laplace

  3. Francois Michel


  4. Jean-Pierre Beauviala

    Jean-Pierre Beauviala


  5. Pascal Aubier

    Pascal Aubier

    Monsieur Laplace

  6. Christiane Bailly


  7. Bernard Eisenschitz


  8. Hans Peter Cloos

    Hans Peter Cloos

    Monsieur Duphour-Paquet

  9. Maïté Nahyr

    Maïté Nahyr

    Madeleine Duphour-Paquet

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Favourites of the Moon
Favourites of the Moon

Original Title Les favoris de la lune

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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