Über 24 Hours to Live diskutieren

When I saw this film was available I was surprised I hadn't heard of it. After watching it I came here to rate it only to find that it is "not released yet." It looks to have a December 1st release date, but on further searching it looks like it is available to view for $9.99. So now I am confused...will it have a theatrical release? Did they go direct to viewer on purpose?

TBH, I'm not sure how much box office potential this has, but I gotta admit I feel kinda bad when studios can't find some way to protect their initial theater run. Does anyone know what's up?

Also, I assumed this was out because I saw it had a insert-other-movie-website-here rating, but see that TMDB doesn't allow rating yet. I am assuming that is because it is not yet released? I'm wondering if that is a philosophical conviction of TMDB, or just happenstance?

These are strange times we are living in...great and strange times....

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I hear ya. I just caught this on Netflix, I thought it was one of their produced movies because it was so recent.

I wonder if it was always planned to not go to cinemas? I enjoyed this though, pleasantly surprised. This and Predestination are recent Hawke films not to be missed.

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