Über All Good Things diskutieren

What do you guys think of this movie in relation to The Jinx (the documentary based on the real story).... https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/321640-the-jinx-the-life-and-deaths-of-robert-durst

I liked the movie, as a fictional story that is maybe partly not so fictional after all... I don't know if I can bring myself to watch the 4 and a half hour documentary series...

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This film has been sitting in my Netflix queue for, literally, five years.

@Renovatio said:

What do you guys think of this movie in relation to The Jinx (the documentary based on the real story).... https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/321640-the-jinx-the-life-and-deaths-of-robert-durst

I liked the movie, as a fictional story that is maybe partly not so fictional after all... I don't know if I can bring myself to watch the 4 and a half hour documentary series...

I watched it after seeing The Jinx. It pales in comparison. But if you wanna waste your time with yet another Hollywood melodrama go for it. I know it's the same director, but still...

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