Über Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness diskutieren

It's the same trailer that was at the end of No Way Home but with the title added in.


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So far I see Wanda, Miss America (aka America Chavez ), Shuma-Gorath or Gargantos (according to leaked a Lego set), and evil Doctor Strange (possibly Necromancer, Strange Supreme from What If, or Defender Strange according to the leaked Lego set) will be in this film.

If I watch that are there any spoilers for No Way Home in it?

@JustinJackFlash said:

If I watch that are there any spoilers for No Way Home in it?

No. It's safe for you to watch.

Looking forward to this!!

Everyone has had their theories about it, but I'm 75% that's Annette Bening fighting Wanda.

Edit: Well, I'm wrong. People have combed through the 8k version, and you can clearly see it's Jonathan Majors (Kang/He Who Remains) in that Superior Ironman suit (makes sort of sense since he is Iron Lad in the comics).

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