The Untamable Whiskers (1904)

02/05/1904 (US) FantasyComedy 3m
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The background of this picture represents a scene along the beautiful river Seine in Paris. A gentleman enters, and taking a blackboard from the side of the picture, he draws on it a sketch of a novelist. Then, standing in the centre, he causes the living features of his sketch to appear in the place of his own, which is utterly devoid of whiskers. The change is made so mysteriously that the eye cannot notice it until one sees quite another person in the place of the first. Again another sketch is shown on the board, this one being that of a miser; then an English cockney; a comic character; a French policeman, and last of all, the grinning visage of Mephistopheles. It is almost impossible to give this film a more definite description; suffice it to say that it is something entirely new in motion pictures and is sure to please. (Méliès Catalog)

  1. Georges Méliès


Top Billed Cast

  1. Georges Méliès

    Georges Méliès

    Man with whiskers

Full Cast & Crew

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Original Title Le Roi du maquillage

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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