Everyone's Life (2017)

U 03/15/2017 (FR) Comedy 1h 53m
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They don't know each other, but they are all to decide on the fate of a fellow human being.


Before being judges, attorneys, or jury members, they are first of all men and women at a crossroads in their lives, with their dreams and their secrets, their hopes and their limitations, all beneath the same sun, each with their own dark side. In a lovely provincial town, during a jazz festival, life will juggle with their destinies.

  1. Claude Lelouch

    Director, Writer

  2. Grégory Lacroix


  3. Pierre Uytterhoeven


  4. Valérie Perrin


Top Billed Cast

  1. Eric Dupond-Moretti

    Eric Dupond-Moretti

    Le Président

  2. Johnny Hallyday

    Johnny Hallyday


  3. Nadia Farès

    Nadia Farès


  4. Jean Dujardin

    Jean Dujardin

    Le commissaire

  5. Christopher Lambert

    Christopher Lambert

    Antoine de Vidas

  6. Antoine Duléry

    Antoine Duléry

    Le policier/Monsieur le Maire

  7. Marianne Denicourt

    Marianne Denicourt

    Marianne de Vidas

  8. Rufus


    Le chauffeur de taxi

  9. Chantal Ladesou

    Chantal Ladesou

    La contrôleuse fiscale

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

Everyone's Life
Everyone's Life

Original Title Chacun sa vie

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget $8,560,300.00

Revenue -


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