Über Vice diskutieren

Just seen the trailer here:- https://youtu.be/jO3GsRQO0dM

Kind of amazingly bizarre. Not sure if Christian Bale has only done this to put on the "fat suit" after his turn as The Machinist but a film about Dick Cheney 🤔

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Looks cool but they should have named the movie Dick. And Carrel as Rumsfeld? Are you kidding me? Looks way too young to play him. And Bale put on weight and the bald cap for American Hustle.

I have to say. I don't really have much interest in seeing this. But the first couple times i saw the trailer. I could not tell that was Christian Bale. So ill give props to the makeup department. Why they making a movie about Dick Cheney. I have no idea. We already had one about G.W. Bush. Wasn't that enough.

@Nygma-0999 said:

I have to say. I don't really have much interest in seeing this. But the first couple times i saw the trailer. I could not tell that was Christian Bale. So ill give props to the makeup department. Why they making a movie about Dick Cheney. I have no idea. We already had one about G.W. Bush. Wasn't that enough.

Well, I think the movie is trying to imply that W was just a useful idiot for Cheney who really was running the show. That fact may be lost on a lot of people.

@Nygma-0999 said:

Why they making a movie about Dick Cheney. I have no idea. We already had one about G.W. Bush. Wasn't that enough.

This was way better than W. Oliver Stone had totally lost his touch by then. W just seemed like your average biopic whereas Vice has a hell of a lot more to say. Strangely it's exactly the kind of film I could imagine Stone making back in his heyday.

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