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Seriously WTF. Can we get some more mods please? Im tired of coming to the boards and having to go back 7 pages to actually see legit topics from people. Please get some more mods or more people will migrate to other sites. :/

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@Harry Skywalker said:

The Movie DB has some problems. Travis has an extremely small staff team therefore all the changes they have to make (from advices from many members, including ex-IMDB members) have been taking a long time.

And of course, while the layout of this site is good in general it has some things that do complicate a lot such as:

  • not being able to appear on Wikipedia
  • not being able to appear in many search engines as much as IM
  • not having a "Message Boards" button instead of "Discussions"
  • not being able to send PMs
  • not having General Message Boards
  • the EDIT feature is really annoying
  • the ratings shouldn't be from 0.5 to 5 stars and then finally changing to the way better 1 to 10 rating ...

They are all tiny issues to me. I thought IMDB had far more issues. I think this site is better than IMDB, other than the lack of people. Though, yes I would like the General Discussions to return.

They are huge issues, the first 2 are giant since TMDB can't be as promoted as IMDB, at least for now.

The first 1 maybe. But 99.9% of people use Google. I've never even heard of IM.

And honestly I think IMDB was way better. TMDB needs to grow a lot more.

I'm only only talking about the site itself, not the clientele. In the way you're talking about IMDB, it was better. But TMDB has the potential to be better in time.

@genplant29 said:

IMDb definitely is infinitely better informationally (we probably still all routinely go there for details); TMDb doesn't come in as even a remotely close second to IMDb where information is concerned. I also like IMDb for reviews written by regular members, as often multiple people have posted interesting, informative, insightful reviews within the last year or two, therefore expressed opinions, comments, and details that aren't found on any other site's message boards of the last couple years. Another thing that IMDb is a useful reference regarding is representative user ratings, as you can see, numerically (and for the most part realistically, or semi-realistically [taking some rating fraud into consideration]), how many people voted what rating, and what gender and age category the voters fell within.

Yes, IMDB is excellent for info. And I still see their ratings as more reliable and consistent than here (taking some rating fraud into consideration).

@JustinJackFlash said:

@Harry Skywalker said:

The Movie DB has some problems. Travis has an extremely small staff team therefore all the changes they have to make (from advices from many members, including ex-IMDB members) have been taking a long time.

And of course, while the layout of this site is good in general it has some things that do complicate a lot such as:

  • not being able to appear on Wikipedia
  • not being able to appear in many search engines as much as IM
  • not having a "Message Boards" button instead of "Discussions"
  • not being able to send PMs
  • not having General Message Boards
  • the EDIT feature is really annoying
  • the ratings shouldn't be from 0.5 to 5 stars and then finally changing to the way better 1 to 10 rating ...

They are all tiny issues to me. I thought IMDB had far more issues. I think this site is better than IMDB, other than the lack of people. Though, yes I would like the General Discussions to return.

They are huge issues, the first 2 are giant since TMDB can't be as promoted as IMDB, at least for now.

The first 1 maybe. But 99.9% of people use Google. I've never even heard of IM.

And honestly I think IMDB was way better. TMDB needs to grow a lot more.

I'm only only talking about the site itself, not the clientele. In the way you're talking about IMDB, it was better. But TMDB has the potential to be better in time.

All of them are very important.

IM is IMDB, I corrected it later.

IMDB was way better for now. TMDB still has a giant way to go to reach IMDB's information. IMDB closing their message boards was pure lunacy.

@Harry Skywalker said:

@JustinJackFlash said:

@Harry Skywalker said:

The Movie DB has some problems. Travis has an extremely small staff team therefore all the changes they have to make (from advices from many members, including ex-IMDB members) have been taking a long time.

And of course, while the layout of this site is good in general it has some things that do complicate a lot such as:

  • not being able to appear on Wikipedia
  • not being able to appear in many search engines as much as IM
  • not having a "Message Boards" button instead of "Discussions"
  • not being able to send PMs
  • not having General Message Boards
  • the EDIT feature is really annoying
  • the ratings shouldn't be from 0.5 to 5 stars and then finally changing to the way better 1 to 10 rating ...

They are all tiny issues to me. I thought IMDB had far more issues. I think this site is better than IMDB, other than the lack of people. Though, yes I would like the General Discussions to return.

They are huge issues, the first 2 are giant since TMDB can't be as promoted as IMDB, at least for now.

The first 1 maybe. But 99.9% of people use Google. I've never even heard of IM.

And honestly I think IMDB was way better. TMDB needs to grow a lot more.

I'm only only talking about the site itself, not the clientele. In the way you're talking about IMDB, it was better. But TMDB has the potential to be better in time.

All of them are very important.

IM is IMDB, I corrected it later.

IMDB was way better for now. TMDB still has a giant way to go to reach IMDB's information. IMDB closing their message boards was pure lunacy.

IMDb was in the shadows of some other image boards (aka UseNet, Yahoo! movies) back then until around 03' with some of us. Had to crumble sometime due to everyone acknowledging that they're all actors in this game for a throne that isn't tangible unless you're having a pint with someone about it. No body cares. Probably gets increased once that shows over, which it probably won't. At least the vestiges may survive such as it did with Lawless, Spartacus, and 300.

Yeah, I didn't think it was a crime. It had died down the last few days. As others have said, it was the best of intentions and it helped some boards get activity that it otherwise hadn't in the two years that everyone migrated over. Like Major Payne or Big momma's house where there was none to be found now have it. They were blockbusters when they came out so people have seen them. I would be more surprised if it was an indi movie or a not well known gem. But it has died down the last week so what are posters still angey about? More posts? We have to work with what we have here and until than you'll find some names that are similar on other sites until more arrive.

@Invidia said:

Part of the problem seems to be how some people use their I PHONES or SMART PHONES or MOBILE phones as a way to access this place.

So apparently what would normally be just ONE PAGE if you're using a LAP TOP or a DESK TOP, somehow turns into several other pages on the small screen of a phone???

Because someone complained about how reading just ONE MESSAGE took up 7 pages, and one also had no idea what they were talking about, because the message they said was 7 pages long didn't even consume ONE PAGE.

And neither the topic itself nor the discussion itself had 7 pages.

So they must have been talking about how they were using the small screen of their phone that turned the message into 7 pages???

Which may also be a problem for them if someone is monitored and charged by the page by whatever company they get their phone service from???

In other words, maybe when you post several topics here that normally only consume ONE or TWO pages, that might also result in someone else seeing as many as 14 NEW PAGES or more a day???

There's also someone else who does the same thing you were doing only what they posted looks like it was written in CHINESE (which most people don't understand).

But those messages (which were a pain to dig through while looking for other newer discussions) also got deleted.

The Chinese ones may have been the ones I reported. They were fake degree spam.

As for using phones to access the site, it's the data that is generally chargeable so while there's possibly a bit of overhead in each extra page (headers, sidebars and the like) I would imagine most decent browser should cache that sort of stuff so it should be negligible. I only very occasionally access this site by phone but I can't recall the phone adding pages, though obviously a lot more scrolling is involved. Maybe Windows 10 Mobile got something right. Shame it didn't manage to catch on.

What I find more annoying that posts I'm not interested in is the small coterie of trash talking infants on the site. A couple of them occasionally post decent points, but I've got around half a dozen on ignore now because I'm sick of them swearing at each other and anyone who doesn't agree with them.

@Invidia said:

Also can't understand how or why anyone would want to use a phone to post messages here. Because typing each letter on that tiny little keypad one by one would also take forever.

I guess some people like to do everything on their phones. I'd generally prefer to wait to access a decent sized screen or at least a tablet (and my phone is the biggest screen I could affford at the time - 6"). That said, predictive text is pretty good these days - especially if you're not concerned about privacy issues.

@Invidia said:

As for what else you say about the trash talking, since that one place (the OUTSIDERS BOARD) is the only place one recalls visiting that they were listing, one also hasn't seen them swearing at each other or at others.

Wouldn't that also be against the RULES here and be reason enough to get them banned???

You'd think so, but either the mods have a "softly, softly" policy or they know that if they ban account X the person will just start with another account. Take a look at the Terminator 2019 board if you want an example. OTH the similar approach on IMDb just led to the forum equivalent of "no go" areas like the infamous Game of Thrones board where some of the members were hero-worshipping a secondary character who was a self-confessed rapist. I believe the board for The Walking Dead was similar, but as I have yet to make time for S2 I never went there.

I've just looked at my block list and it's interesting to note that of the 5, 4 seem to only post in the discussion boards (no edits and one rating between them) and the other has no edits but has rated over 1/2 of what they've seen as 10. I may be getting less tolerant as I grow older as I don't think I blocked that many on IMDb, and most of them were for spoiler reasons.

@Invidia said:

Is predictive text when you choose to use the words instead of type something yourself???

Why is that a privacy issue if you choose it???

Yep. It records everything you type, so if you type "pred" it might suggest "predator" or "predictive", depending on what you use most often. I often text my wife to let her know where in the station car park I'm waiting and it "knows" from the first few words what the most likely follow ups are. All that data can be used to (mainly) serve up targeted ads, but I'm sure there might be people who could find more nefarious uses for it. I work in IT support for education and I, and most people I know in other establishments, turn it off across my institution where possible. Where did I put my tin foil hat?

@Invidia said:

The GoT boards was pretty crazy. Never cared enough about the show after its 1st season to stick around there, but if T 2019 is like that use to be, one understands what you mean.

So this new group of posters must also be pretty young (meaning not reached middle age yet)???

Who was the secondary character who was the self rapist???

It's more the one discussion on T2019: https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/290859-untitled-terminator-2/discuss/5b2bd9a292514164ca006e84?language=en-US . I now only see 4 of the 14 posts (at time of writing).

I'm guessing, from the tone, language and style used, where they post and other factors that they are mainly angry young men (though one claims to be female). But they might not be!

Karl Tanner https://gameofthrones.fandom.com/wiki/Karl_Tanner was the character. One of the members adopted his name and I seem to remember lots of stuff about how he'd rape other member's mothers and any woman he wanted being egged on by others. Despite this being against the rules at IMDb, nothing was done in any sort of hurry. It was about this time that I gave up spending much time there.

@Invidia said:

What other boards are there besides the discussion boards???

And what does NO EDITS and or 1/2 of one's ratings being 10 mean???

Because the EDIT process also still remain a MYSTERY for me due to the way one doesn't understand how to use it and it never works right each time one tries to use it.

And I've also only rated ONE FILM and gave it a 10.

So according to the standard you're using perhaps my profile also looks bad to you???

I'm very disappointed in you, @Invidia , don't come back until you've rated at least 10 things wink .

There are no other boards (well, there's probably a "mods only" one); I was making the point that there doesn't seem to be much "giving back" to the community by those on my block list. I can understand not editing but it doesn't take a lot of effort to rate some films/shows/episodes. Just do it after you've watched something. Surely people interested enough to comment on a movie/TV discussion board actually watch stuff?

I myself rarely made edits at IMDb because the information was generally all there already. Did more at TV.com but the attitude of some of the editors put me off (standards were very inconsistent across the site). Here I try to contribute by making edits where I have time. I'm not a saint, and only edit stuff I've seen or am interested in. Some of the people must have a lot of spare time and have made it their mission to pick out films/shows/areas that need improving whether they're interested in them or not, to judge by the amount of edits they make. I'm oddly proud of the fact that a couple of things I've put on here were on here with fairly complete information weeks before IMDb.

With ratings: 1 rating of 10 could mean the one film you've rated, you loved. If over 1/2 the 50+ films you've rated are a "10" it suggests that you're either really lucky in picking things to watch, or (more likely) that your critical facilities need work. To be fair to that member, at least there was a spread. Over at IMDb it often seemed that some people rated all films as "1" or "10" with nothing in between.

Oh, the person who joined my list today has no edits and only a few ratings (though with a reasonable spread)...

Craster was the guy who kept his daughters for his own... use... and gave the baby boys to the cold/White Walkers. Karl Tanner and crew killed him and took over his compound/harem and realised that sacrificing the babies to the White Walkers would keep them safe. They were supposed to be seen as some of the few completely bad people on the show, but somehow the IMDb Troll Brigade decided that they should be hero-worshipped.

I agree that ratings aren't always of use, and hate the way that "It's only 38% fresh on Rotten Tomatoes" seems to be held as incontrovertible proof that a film isn't worth watching. (There are plenty of "rotten" films that I love). I do like to have somewhere where I have a record of what I thought of a film when I watched it, though.

Bumblebee... do you mean the Transformers spin-off/reboot/prequel?

@GeorgeRooney said:

@Harry Skywalker said:

@JustinJackFlash said:

@Harry Skywalker said:

The Movie DB has some problems. Travis has an extremely small staff team therefore all the changes they have to make (from advices from many members, including ex-IMDB members) have been taking a long time.

And of course, while the layout of this site is good in general it has some things that do complicate a lot such as:

  • not being able to appear on Wikipedia
  • not being able to appear in many search engines as much as IM
  • not having a "Message Boards" button instead of "Discussions"
  • not being able to send PMs
  • not having General Message Boards
  • the EDIT feature is really annoying
  • the ratings shouldn't be from 0.5 to 5 stars and then finally changing to the way better 1 to 10 rating ...

They are all tiny issues to me. I thought IMDB had far more issues. I think this site is better than IMDB, other than the lack of people. Though, yes I would like the General Discussions to return.

They are huge issues, the first 2 are giant since TMDB can't be as promoted as IMDB, at least for now.

The first 1 maybe. But 99.9% of people use Google. I've never even heard of IM.

And honestly I think IMDB was way better. TMDB needs to grow a lot more.

I'm only only talking about the site itself, not the clientele. In the way you're talking about IMDB, it was better. But TMDB has the potential to be better in time.

All of them are very important.

IM is IMDB, I corrected it later.

IMDB was way better for now. TMDB still has a giant way to go to reach IMDB's information. IMDB closing their message boards was pure lunacy.

IMDb was in the shadows of some other image boards (aka UseNet, Yahoo! movies) back then until around 03' with some of us. Had to crumble sometime due to everyone acknowledging that they're all actors in this game for a throne that isn't tangible unless you're having a pint with someone about it. No body cares. Probably gets increased once that shows over, which it probably won't. At least the vestiges may survive such as it did with Lawless, Spartacus, and 300.

Nope. Everyone cares.

And Yahoo Movies never reached the size of IMDB, not even close. In fact, Yahoo movies never had any message boards, only reviews and ratings.

There was a Yahoo Movies?? open_mouth

@ausfem said:

There was a Yahoo Movies?? open_mouth

Oh yeah!!!

@Harry Skywalker said:

IMDB closing their message boards was pure lunacy.

But needed. Every other post was about how some aspect of a movie was racist and/or sextist. It was out of control.

@thebarnman said:

@Harry Skywalker said:

IMDB closing their message boards was pure lunacy.

But needed. Every other post was about how some aspect of a movie was racist and/or sextist. It was out of control.

No, it wasn't needed at all.

People wanted and want to talk about movies and many other art forms.

@thebarnman said:

@Harry Skywalker said:

IMDB closing their message boards was pure lunacy.

But needed. Every other post was about how some aspect of a movie was racist and/or sextist. It was out of control.

That's what a report button and moderators are for. Like here.

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