Über Rampage diskutieren

You could tell they edited down the movie a bit because some of the plot doesn't make sense. Did I miss it, or did they ever give George the serum making him less aggressive? Or did he just get that way after the fall?

Not a great film. More for teens and younger.

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@Damienracer said:

It seems a movie targeted at so called teens/children was a tad too complex for even you... As it was stressed and clearly shown (in slow motion no less) that George had EATEN the villainess armed with the behavioural cure after shooting the Rock and stealing the serum from him.

Lol, in a bit more detail, Kate (the Rock's love interest) took the serum out of her pocket and put it in the villainess' bag. So maybe the OP missed that bit...

Slightly off-topic, I did find the Rock and JDM's character quite sadistic in intentionally getting the bad guys killed quite horribly. I know it's a tongue-in-cheek movie but still, they are meant to be the good guys!

I noticed you had to inhale the "poison", but you had to apparently ingest the antidote. Earlier in the movie they were going on how they had to be very precise about giving the big ape the right amount of sedative taking into account his growth rate, metabolism and increased blood volume. So how is this antidote one-size-fit-all now all of a sudden? I tell you this movie is making a complete mockery out of pharmacology!

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