Über Frauen am Rande des Nervenzusammenbruchs diskutieren

I couldn't get into this... I didn't find it particularly funny... I thought Volver had more humour in it...

I don't speak Spanish and watched this with subtitles, as I do with any Spanish movie, yet it didn't really work for me... It felt like a chor...

I wonder if others feel this way or if I'm missing something with the language...

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@Renovatio said:

I wonder if others feel this way or if I'm missing something with the language...

I liked it. But I saw it a very long time ago so I can't remember much about it.

I watched it years ago (probably early mid '90s), and don't remember anything now, beyond that I liked it, but simply to a middle of the road sort of extent. I'd heard positive buzz beforehand, so had expected to enjoy it more enthusiastically.

I enjoyed it quite a lot - particularly Carmen Maura's wonderful performance and the brilliantly tacky production design - but my favourite of Almodovar's films are his darker dramas - Law of Desire, All About My Mother, Talk to Her, Bad Education, Volver.

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