讨论 The Batman

Which is the fight scenes. Well, let me take that back it did improve but only slightly. At least the camera was pulled back enough so you could actually see what was happening. I just don't understand why they cannot get it through their heads that Batman is a martial artist expert. So bringing in an kung fu choreographer would be ideal. A few high kicks, speed punches and broken bones never hurt a scene. Also the fact that Batman gets shot like 20 times in the movie. He never gets shot so many times. He's usually smart enough to put himself in a situation where he either uses a tool to avoid getting shot or just dodges the assailant altogether. Its seems like this director said, "Batman is super rich and can afford super ultra magically bullet proof materials to make his suit right? Alright fuck it, let him get shot." I'm not saying Batman never gets shot but it was a bit ridiculous in this film. Overall I did like the movie. My instinct is to give it 7.5 stars but I always round up. One of these days they will make a movie where Batman doesn't look like a street brawler in the fight scenes but today is not that day.

The Batman (2022) - 8 outta 10 stars

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@movie_nazi said:

Which is the fight scenes. Well, let me take that back it did improve but only slightly. At least the camera was pulled back enough so you could actually see what was happening. I just don't understand why they cannot get it through their heads that Batman is a martial artist expert. So bringing in an kung fu choreographer would be ideal. A few high kicks, speed punches and broken bones never hurt a scene. Also the fact that Batman gets shot like 20 times in the movie. He never gets shot so many times. He's usually smart enough to put himself in a situation where he either uses a tool to avoid getting shot or just dodges the assailant altogether. Its seems like this director said, "Batman is super rich and can afford super ultra magically bullet proof materials to make his suit right? Alright fuck it, let him get shot." I'm not saying Batman never gets shot but it was a bit ridiculous in this film. Overall I did like the movie. My instinct is to give it 7.5 stars but I always round up. One of these days they will make a movie where Batman doesn't look like a street brawler in the fight scenes but today is not that day.

The Batman (2022) - 8 outta 10 stars

That's interesting; I always round down with flicks.

@movie_nazi said:

Which is the fight scenes. Well, let me take that back it did improve but only slightly. At least the camera was pulled back enough so you could actually see what was happening. I just don't understand why they cannot get it through their heads that Batman is a martial artist expert. So bringing in an kung fu choreographer would be ideal. A few high kicks, speed punches and broken bones never hurt a scene. Also the fact that Batman gets shot like 20 times in the movie. He never gets shot so many times. He's usually smart enough to put himself in a situation where he either uses a tool to avoid getting shot or just dodges the assailant altogether. Its seems like this director said, "Batman is super rich and can afford super ultra magically bullet proof materials to make his suit right? Alright fuck it, let him get shot." I'm not saying Batman never gets shot but it was a bit ridiculous in this film. Overall I did like the movie. My instinct is to give it 7.5 stars but I always round up. One of these days they will make a movie where Batman doesn't look like a street brawler in the fight scenes but today is not that day.

The Batman (2022) - 8 outta 10 stars

Dimagic the dimwit has ruined the thread.

@D-magic said:

It is not a Nolan film, so it is itself an improvement.

You know .... With that trilogy he made .... I hated The Dark Knight Rises [2012] ... to the core.

But now .... i prefer watching it ..... Over this tripe.

No offence .... Just a matter of opinion here .... But it amuses me .... How fascinated some viewers are over this stink hole.

@aholejones said:

Even though Dawn of Justice wasn't that special the fight scene in the warehouse was most likely the best Batman fight scene in any of the Batman movies up to date by a wide margin. In contrast I remember watching Batman Begins DVD extras years ago and it was obvious Christopher Nolan brought in some kind of McDojo BS artists who had no idea what they were doing. It seems someone has uploaded those extras to Youtube so I'll link it if somebody wants to watch. It's painfully obvious these guys do zero sparring and are delusional to think their silly elbow strikes and punches are breaking bones not to mention pulling that crap on a resisting opponent is never going to happen. For whatever reason Nolan thought it was a good idea to have the Batman fight like these buffoons and that is a big reason why the fighting is so silly in those Nolan movies. I mean I'd understand if it actually even looked good on camera, but it neither looks good or works.

Dawn of Justice Warehouse scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m7GWGLkPepU

Batman Begins DVD extra "Shaping mind and Body" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bQLmKI2eSt4

You didn't pay much attention ... to the docks car chase scene ... i suppose

But the Harvey Dent chase scene with Joker in a Freightliner ..... is way ahead of it's times. And in no way ..... Silly.

@D-magic said:

Nolan movies are for pimpled teenagers that only discover that there are more serious movies out there beyond superhero crap and college comedies. So they think his movies open their eyes and bring some sophistication into their meaningless existence, at least in the short breaks between watching porn and trolling on 4chan.

The pseudo philosophy of Nolan's movies is laughable at best. The guy knows how to place a camera and how to stage a scene, I'll give him that. He sure knows how to show a spectacle, but between that and praising him as a voice of a generation, it's a tough stretch. Go back to your porn, little boys, come back when you shave off your neck beard.

Quite right .... Some definitely are ... But praising this diarrhea over Nolan's trilogy ..... not cool amigo ....

@tmdb93873311 said:

@D-magic said:

Nolan movies are for pimpled teenagers that only discover that there are more serious movies out there beyond superhero crap and college comedies. So they think his movies open their eyes and bring some sophistication into their meaningless existence, at least in the short breaks between watching porn and trolling on 4chan.

The pseudo philosophy of Nolan's movies is laughable at best. The guy knows how to place a camera and how to stage a scene, I'll give him that. He sure knows how to show a spectacle, but between that and praising him as a voice of a generation, it's a tough stretch. Go back to your porn, little boys, come back when you shave off your neck beard.

Quite right .... Some definitely are ... But praising this diarrhea over Nolan's trilogy ..... not cool amigo ....

I didn't praise it, I only said it is better than Nolan's movies.

@Adammm said:

@movie_nazi said:

Which is the fight scenes. Well, let me take that back it did improve but only slightly. At least the camera was pulled back enough so you could actually see what was happening. I just don't understand why they cannot get it through their heads that Batman is a martial artist expert. So bringing in an kung fu choreographer would be ideal. A few high kicks, speed punches and broken bones never hurt a scene. Also the fact that Batman gets shot like 20 times in the movie. He never gets shot so many times. He's usually smart enough to put himself in a situation where he either uses a tool to avoid getting shot or just dodges the assailant altogether. Its seems like this director said, "Batman is super rich and can afford super ultra magically bullet proof materials to make his suit right? Alright fuck it, let him get shot." I'm not saying Batman never gets shot but it was a bit ridiculous in this film. Overall I did like the movie. My instinct is to give it 7.5 stars but I always round up. One of these days they will make a movie where Batman doesn't look like a street brawler in the fight scenes but today is not that day.

The Batman (2022) - 8 outta 10 stars

Dimagic the dimwit has ruined the thread.

@Adam, ignorance is bliss. Keep being happy, you don't need anything else. It's not for you.

And btw, that @Damienracer is blocked for me, I blacklisted him long time ago as I got tired of his stupidity. So I don't see what he writes, whatever it is I am sure it is completely moronic. Another one who exists in the bliss of stupidity.

Edit: Ah, lol. Just checked it out of curiosity and that idiot wrote something about my avatar pic being of religious nature, or something like that. Just proves my point what a fool he is. I am not going to tell him, let him struggle for a while with it, lol. What a dope.

@D-magic said:

@tmdb93873311 said:

@D-magic said:

Nolan movies are for pimpled teenagers that only discover that there are more serious movies out there beyond superhero crap and college comedies. So they think his movies open their eyes and bring some sophistication into their meaningless existence, at least in the short breaks between watching porn and trolling on 4chan.

The pseudo philosophy of Nolan's movies is laughable at best. The guy knows how to place a camera and how to stage a scene, I'll give him that. He sure knows how to show a spectacle, but between that and praising him as a voice of a generation, it's a tough stretch. Go back to your porn, little boys, come back when you shave off your neck beard.

Quite right .... Some definitely are ... But praising this diarrhea over Nolan's trilogy ..... not cool amigo ....

I didn't praise it, I only said it is better than Nolan's movies.

Out of curiosity, how would you rate this film vs lets say how would you rate The Dark Knight ? I actually rated this one slightly higher.

I would say that I was entertained. The direction of a dark detective story and clear ripoff from Seven was quite nice to watch. Batman chasing an actual psychopath was a good touch. There was a lot of foolish things here as well. The script was not always focused, a lot of side stories were unnecessary, some plot solutions were dumb, the crime underworld plot line was silly and unfulfilling. These mafia characters didn't actually do anything and the Carmine Falcone was absolutely pointless as a villain, not even as a third level villain. The movie had at least 45 minutes that could be cut out and maybe re-edited movie without these plot lines could've been more focused and more effective.

However, I did like the Riddler's motivation and the reason he did what he did. It seemed plausible to me. He is a potential mass shooter taken to a different level. In our era of social media, conspiracy theories and extreme groups, I think the writers did find a contemporary problem to tackle and justify for the villain. I also liked the realistic approach to some of Batman's gadgets and abilities, like the wingsuit and how he landed in it. Seemed more realistic to me than Nolan's Batman. The actor and his makeup is a matter of a personal taste, I personally didn't care. Pattinson is a decent actor, I think he proved it in few movies.

The biggest difference, though, is that Nolan's films were extremely annoying to me. Some scenes, like two ferries scene in the Dark Knight, are absolutely cringeworthy and invoke in me an urgent desire to vomit. And he has it in all of his movies, it's really infuriating. In addition his stories are stupid, empty and pointless. I once read someone's critique, that his films are like blowing a huge soap bubble. It looks pretty, but there is absolutely nothing in it.

@D-magic said:

@Adammm said:

@movie_nazi said:

Which is the fight scenes. Well, let me take that back it did improve but only slightly. At least the camera was pulled back enough so you could actually see what was happening. I just don't understand why they cannot get it through their heads that Batman is a martial artist expert. So bringing in an kung fu choreographer would be ideal. A few high kicks, speed punches and broken bones never hurt a scene. Also the fact that Batman gets shot like 20 times in the movie. He never gets shot so many times. He's usually smart enough to put himself in a situation where he either uses a tool to avoid getting shot or just dodges the assailant altogether. Its seems like this director said, "Batman is super rich and can afford super ultra magically bullet proof materials to make his suit right? Alright fuck it, let him get shot." I'm not saying Batman never gets shot but it was a bit ridiculous in this film. Overall I did like the movie. My instinct is to give it 7.5 stars but I always round up. One of these days they will make a movie where Batman doesn't look like a street brawler in the fight scenes but today is not that day.

The Batman (2022) - 8 outta 10 stars

Dimagic the dimwit has ruined the thread.

@Adam, ignorance is bliss. Keep being happy, you don't need anything else. It's not for you.

You've literally come to a forum to not talk about this Batman movie being discussed but to troll this thread and insult fans of Nolan films that you don't have to watch had to report you to the Admin of this website.

[@movie_nazi]) said:

Out of curiosity, how would you rate this film vs lets say how would you rate The Dark Knight ? I actually rated this one slightly higher.

Do you care to share the points which made you rate this higher?? ....

I wanna re evaluate The Batman .... bearing your points in mind.

Let's hear it ....

@RemakesAndSequels said:

[@movie_nazi]) said:

Out of curiosity, how would you rate this film vs lets say how would you rate The Dark Knight ? I actually rated this one slightly higher.

Do you care to share the points which made you rate this higher?? ....

I wanna re evaluate The Batman .... bearing your points in mind.

Let's hear it ....

I actually liked The Batman for its gritty detective story and dreary back drop extremely reminiscent of the comic book itself. It's dark, depressing and Bruce Wayne is still very much a brooding character. His gears and gadgets came off as a bit more realistic than in TDK. I also like how they have taken the source material and brought us a completely new story with Catwoman being the illegitimate daughter of gangster. I don't remember that being in the comic and I kinda liked it. I also liked how The Riddler's motive seem legit but taken to a psychopathic level. I mean, everyone has dreamed of corrupted officials and politicians getting their just due, no? Maybe it's just me. But a film that makes you sorta kinda see things from the psycho's point of view has done a good job. TDK was just "Some men just want to see the world burn" sorta lazy way of telling a story. Dd I mention that the fights scenes in TDK are friggin' terrible? 😄 I do think TDK is over rated. I haven't been on IMDb in a long time but the last time I was there it was rated in the top 10 of all time. What an absolute joke. Good film but doesn't belong in the top 100 let alone the top 10.

The Batman (2022) - 7.5 outta 10 stars

The Dark Knight (2008) - 7 outta 10 stars

@movie_nazi said:

@RemakesAndSequels said:

[@movie_nazi]) said:

Out of curiosity, how would you rate this film vs lets say how would you rate The Dark Knight ? I actually rated this one slightly higher.

Do you care to share the points which made you rate this higher?? ....

I wanna re evaluate The Batman .... bearing your points in mind.

Let's hear it ....

I actually liked The Batman for its gritty detective story and dreary back drop extremely reminiscent of the comic book itself. It's dark, depressing and Bruce Wayne is still very much a brooding character. His gears and gadgets came off as a bit more realistic than in TDK. I also like how they have taken the source material and brought us a completely new story with Catwoman being the illegitimate daughter of gangster. I don't remember that being in the comic and I kinda liked it. I also liked how The Riddler's motive seem legit but taken to a psychopathic level. I mean, everyone has dreamed of corrupted officials and politicians getting their just due, no? Maybe it's just me. But a film that makes you sorta kinda see things from the psycho's point of view has done a good job. TDK was just "Some men just want to see the world burn" sorta lazy way of telling a story. Dd I mention that the fights scenes in TDK are friggin' terrible? 😄 I do think TDK is over rated. I haven't been on IMDb in a long time but the last time I was there it was rated in the top 10 of all time. What an absolute joke. Good film but doesn't belong in the top 100 let alone the top 10.

The Batman (2022) - 7.5 outta 10 stars

The Dark Knight (2008) - 7 outta 10 stars

I found The Dark Knight darker than .... The Batman. For once... I could imagine The Dark Knight Rises being over rated. Also, a majority making The Dark Knight 2008 over rated..... seems a little far fetched to me. I would even rate Batman Returns 1992 .... higher than The Batman 2022.

I get it .... The Batman 2022, Batman Begins 2005, The Dark Knight Rises 2012, or any other movie ...... can be called a Batman movie. But the Dark Knight 2008 is a Movie with Batman in it ..... and not just a Batman movie.

The end scene where .... Gordon and Dent have the conversation ...... Well ..... What can i say.... Class film making. The Dark Knight 2008 created such an impact on people back then..... I don't see that level of impact with The Batman 2022.

The Dark Knight 2008 is not about Action (the scenes where it does, it performs really well IMO)..... And for the Action scenes ..... you always got The Batman from BvS.

& Christian Bale is way better than the new kid from the block.... Oh yes ofc.... He can act ..... But not like Bale does.

Batman Returns 1992, Batman Begins 2005 & The Dark Knight 2008 for me..... all the way.

Yeah .... I like BvS too. Superman is awesome. There's always something with Englishmen .... that I like. A little crush .... or something like that.

Am i the only one on this thread..... that thinks The Dark Knight 2008 is way better ... than The Batman 2022 ?? ....

F M running.....



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