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El analfabeto (1961)

09/07/1961 (US) Comedy 2h 8m
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Inocencio Prieto y Calvo receives a letter telling him he is the heir to his uncle's fortune of two million pesos. Not being able to read he has no idea of who sent the letter or its content. So he goes to the drugstore because the pharmacist can read the letter to him. But while waiting to be helped he sees that a young girl can read. He figures he has to be able to discover the letter's content by himself and decides he will save the letter and go to school, and wait to read the letter on his own.

  1. Miguel M. Delgado

    Director, Screenplay

Top Billed Cast

  1. Cantinflas


    Inocencio Prieto y Calvo

  2. Lilia Prado

    Lilia Prado

    Blanca Morales

  3. Sara García

    Sara García

    Doña Epifanita

  4. Ángel Garasa

    Ángel Garasa

    Don Romulo González

  5. Miguel Manzano

    Miguel Manzano

    Don Fermín

  6. Carlos Agostí

    Carlos Agostí

    Licenciado Aníbal Guzmán

  7. María Teresa Rivas

    María Teresa Rivas

    Refugio González

  8. Daniel Herrera

    Daniel Herrera

    El Poca Luz

  9. Fernando Soto

    Fernando Soto

    'El Sapo'

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

El analfabeto
El analfabeto

Status Released

Original Language Spanish; Castilian

Budget -

Revenue -


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