A Young Girl in Her Nineties (2016)

10/14/2016 (FR) Documentary 1h 25m
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In the geriatric care section of the Charles Foix d’Ivry hospital, Thierry Thieû Niang, a famous choreographer, is running a dance workshop for Alzheimer’s patients. Through dance, lives are told, memories recounted: regrets, bitterness, moments of joy and solitude. Blanche Moreau is 92 years old. During the filming, she has fallen in love with the choreographer Thierry. The simple fact of falling in love being crazy enough as it is, there’s no longer anything else mad or delirious about Blanche: her illness has simply become lovesickness.

  1. Yann Coridian

    Director, Writer

  2. Valeria Bruni Tedeschi

    Director, Writer

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Original Title Une jeune fille de 90 ans

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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