Über Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle diskutieren

Why are they doing another Jungle Book movie? Hopefully, this one is different enough that it won't seem like a remake of the Disney one without the songs.

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@MirrorMask said:

Why are they doing another Jungle Book movie? Hopefully, this one is different enough that it won't seem like a remake of the Disney one without the songs.

Isn't it because of the rights? I think they (Disney and WB) decided to make the film at around the same time by coincidence basically. Then once they found out that the other studio was making the same film, they refused to cancel the project since they'd invested so much time into it. But like you said, WB will be much different in execution and likely way darker compared to Disney's movie.

Yeah, I ended up reading up on it and I don't understand why studios don't talk. Then again, Warner's should have realized that Disney would be making a live action Jungle Book movie.

Why not? It's said to be closer to the source material. Should be good, much better than the Disney version.

That is what I read too. Disney sissyfied the story. This more closely follows the authors original vision.

@MirrorMask said:

Why are they doing another Jungle Book movie? Hopefully, this one is different enough that it won't seem like a remake of the Disney one without the songs.

People have to return to Netflix to watch this movie again.

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