Über Red Sparrow diskutieren

I honestly liked it, the story was a little weak but JLaw was amazing as always.

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Lawrence was great, as always. The movie itself was okay. They definitely should've made more edits to the script before filming it. It was too long and dragged at various parts.

I thought it was much better than "Black Panther." It was really refreshing to watch a movie with real suspense, drama and action. It was like James Bond meets Mission Impossible.

@thebarnman said:

I thought it was much better than "Black Panther." It was really refreshing to watch a movie with real suspense, drama and action. It was like James Bond meets Mission Impossible.

I can't believe I'm actually saying this because I'm pretty anti-MCU movies, but I actually liked Black Panther more than Red Sparrow. The plot of Black Panther was much more predictable, but I thought the actual execution was better.

@Bubbathegut said:

I honestly liked it, the story was a little weak but JLaw was amazing as always.

For me, Lawrence it's just a perfect, so don't blame me (us) for give her an excellente score.

@Damienracer said:

You thought Jennifer Lawrence being Jennifer Lawrence was better than black panther?

Yep; and I also really liked her in "American Hustle" and "Joy."

Waste of a good cast. Ridiculous story, poorly executed.

They are so anxious to create a mystery about Domenika's motives ( which side is she on?) that Jennifer has to keep her face blank for much of the movie. Unfortunately, that reminds me of Mockingjay 2 where she adopts that blank look for much better reasons -- representing Katniss's state of shock after the explosion. Jennifer seems to do best showing internal conflict ( Ree Dolly, Katniss, the young widow in SILVER LININGS) , so this movie didn't really play to her strengths.

That was an amusing touch a third of the way through -- dyeing Domenika's hair blonde so that Jennifer could stop dyeing HER hair brunette.

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