Über Mom and Dad diskutieren

I'm excited to see this. Wow Selma Blair looks amazing. But the subject matter of movie seems like it's pushing it...

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It was a good movie. Fast paced too. I won't say anything until you watch it

@Lilpoetboy said:

I'm excited to see this. Wow Selma Blair looks amazing. But the subject matter of movie seems like it's pushing it...

More like The Happening. The ending stinks. Love Selma, Nic, and Lance.

It's incredible!

What a movie... So much fun, thrilling, hillariously funny and distrubing all at once...

It's so good... Pity i didn't get to see it in the theatre, as I bet it would be fun to watch with a crowd...

entertaining...esp whenever nicholas cage goes crazy screaming, makes me laugh!

Personally, I don't really know what the hell I just watched. It was absolute rubbish and I refuse to watch any more movies from Nic Cage. He used to be a great actor but now he just rolls out one D-grade film after the next. The story started out with great potential but it just bombed so badly. I'm glad I skipped a minute at a time to get to the fast action because that's all that was left to try and enjoy.

I loved this movie!! It had me on the edge of my seat a few times, was genuinely funny, and wasn't too predictable! A great dark comedy!

I'm also trying to decide if I liked this or not. It suited Cage's crazy acting and it was fun, but at the same time it made no sense. Also how on earth did the boyfriend survive, or at least keep walking, after falling on his back from a high flight of stairs??

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