Über Widows - Tödliche Witwen diskutieren

Widows Trailer Oh wow, a Hollywood film with strong women characters and a original plot. Well semi original, influences from Heat/The Town/The Dark Knight/Collateral. But at least not some rehash/remake with women.

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@mechajutaro said:

@OddRob said:

Widows Trailer Oh wow, a Hollywood film with strong women characters and a original plot. Well semi original, influences from Heat/The Town/The Dark Knight/Collateral. But at least not some rehash/remake with women.

A direct adaptation of an ITV series from the 80s, actually

Wow really? I thought this was a semi original idea. Never seen the aftermath of the women/men of bank robbers/criminals and all they have to go thru.

I might give this a go, but I'll be surprised (pleasantly) if it's as good the (I think it was 2...?) series... I remember it was quite a gritty show, so as long as they don't tone it down, we're off to a good start...

Directed by Steve McQueen... Screenplay by Gillian Flynn, who wrote Gone Girl... Sean Bobbitt cinematography... Should be interesting and should look good as well 👍

It was alright but definitely a step down for this director. 7/10

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