Über Officer Downe diskutieren

yeah, the film does not have any redeeming qualities, but the comic looks interesting. has anyone read it?

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I must say I politely disagree with you, MrsBuckyBarnes, about the film (and no, I haven't read the comic).

This film, in my opinion, works very well as an over-the-top not-to-be-taken-seriously comedic action/camp gore extravaganza.

Here you've got a continually-resurrected cop (Kim Coates) in his deliberately outlandish LAPD uniform (get a load of the massively out-of-proportion star on his hat) complete with his custom ".85-caliber" double-barreled machinegun pistol taking on the "Fortune 500" crime syndicate, which is literally run by a humanoid lion, and a humanoid vulture, and a humanoid tiger.

And when Officer Downe is too much for them to handle, they call for backup in the form of a black Asian Kung-Fu master and his group of martial-arts fanatics, complete with dialogue which does not match with how his lips are moving.

And in between jobs Officer Downe relaxes by giving multiple-orgasm oral sex to random girlfriends (complete with an on-screen "orgasm counter".)

Not everybody's tastes are the same (and thank goodness, because then life would be boring), but I found this film to be a riot.

i'm glad you enjoyed the film. unfortunately i felt nothing while i watched it, except curiosity about the source material.

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