Über Der seidene Faden diskutieren

Kinda ordinary. We have a crop of clunkers for Best Picture in 2018.

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I really wanted to like this. There Will Be Blood is one of the greatest films of all time, in my opinion.

I didn't think Phantom Thread was bad, but I think "Duke of Burgundy" explores similar themes, but accomplishes its task much much more successfully. I don't appreciate Phantom Thread's complete lack of depictions of sexuality. I personally think that the sexual relationship is a big part of any relationship. To me, omitting that aspect of the relationship represents a synthetic purification based on puritanical values. If you are not brave enough to explore sexuality, don't make a serious romantic film.

I agree, There Will Be Blood was great.

This movie was boring and lacked that certain something that makes a film compelling. PTA used to be good at that but not anymore, I guess. I think about Magnolia as an example. It wasn't a perfect movie, but it was intriguing and unique. The only scene I really liked in Phantom Thread is the one with his mother creepily standing by the door.

I didn't find it boring really. Personally, I think this movie is on par with PTA's older films besides There Will Be Blood. There Will Be Blood is simply on a different level, it's in my top three best films.

Phantom Thread does have some complexity and it deals with some other issues that The Duke of Burgundy does not. But, in my mind Duke of Burgundy is superior to this film in every day. I wouldn't rank Phantom Thread as low as you did, it's 7.7/10 for me.

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