Keskustele nimikkeestä Wind River

I enjoyed this film, and agree with the overall sediments I have read in the forum about the quality of acting, cinematography, pacing, etc. Two things I didn't care for though:

1) They never really explained what happened to his daughter.

There was his ex-wife saying "this won't bring her back" and all, and the two deaths were eerily similar, but ultimately there is no resolution to a pretty major plot line from the start.

2) There was no follow up to any of the other officers who were shot. Are we to assume that the FBI agent was the only one to survive?

This seems unlikely as the one guy said "we have two down" then the (dumb) line where another guy says ,"No, I'm getting up." (only to be put down), but the rest? Especially the Tribal Police Chief? It just seems like something they might have covered.

Like others have said, I found the idea that these guys would decide to kill a group of law enforcement officers pretty far fetched, so other than that--and the early reveal of the actual events--I quite enjoyed the movie.

2 vastausta (sivulla 1, sivuja yhteensä 1)

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  1. You were never supposed to understand/find out what happened to her. He was basically projecting onto the dead girl his own feelings of pain and regret. He came to terms with that fact at the end of the film so you kind of got some closure as an audience member. Kind of.

  2. They all died. The Police Chief is shown holding his neck where her got shot so he is def dead and so are the rest of the officers. You can see some of the security guys finishing them off in the background as the guy stands over Olsen getting ready to put her down. They kind of implied it with the hospital visit where he gave her the pep talk about surviving and fighting. And they were just reacting, they never thought that they would track the girl back to them. They thought the only way out was to kill them all and try to cover it up like the first time. Course that wouldnt work with cops and an FBI agent this time.

Only thing I really didnt like was the pacing, little to slow, maybe if they cut 10 to 15 minutes it would be better. One of my favorite films of last year and disappointed it didnt get any Oscar noms.

I found it very strange he didn't any enquiry with the rapist he had captive about whether they knew what happened to his daughter. It was also weird to have almost no reaction by anyone to the bloodbath with 7 or so folk killed. Not a sausage of a reaction from the leads or the community.

In addition to those two, I'll add two others.

  1. In a film set almost exclusively in a reservation, all the Native Americans have bit parts at best.

  2. And of course, Hollywood's favourite of shooting a rape scene, involving a young women in her panties getting repeated airtime prior to the act. As if there is no way to more tastefully address the situation. It's got to be a young women, in skimpy clothing shot explicitly. Every. Ruddy. Time.

The fact the director even did a further completely gratuitous and unnecessary shot of Olsen from behind in skimpy underwear magnificently captured the zeitgeist and showed he is happy debasing women in a potentially similar mindset to the rapists on film. He's just "one of the boys". Superbly honest, Oscar worthy, fourth wall breaking introspection from the director. Bravo.

6/10 (everything not mentioned in this thread is done to a decent standard)

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