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I love this movie , but something bugs me at end. If mom knows what goes on at school , why anyone'd in their right minds would send their daughters there ?

Ok , maybe she thought it's transmitted through blood or inherited , but where's the evidence ? It seems irresponsible decision and doesn't come together all that well. It'd be nice , if someone can clear it up for me ?

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I was confused about this as well! Since the parents also went to the school, they obviously were aware of the meat-eating part of the hazing ritual. So then why would they put their daughters through that same thing? Why couldn't the girls just go to a regular school? I don't understand why the parents put them at risk for having their cannibalistic urges awakened.

I never thought about that lol. Thanks.

Maybe it was different in those days....


The whole point was for them to explore their canabalistic awakening at the college... much like parents send their young ones to orgy ridden, frat house infested, party colleges to "find" themselves and explore their bisexuality 😂 .... lol

Works either way 😎

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