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The Last Ride (2016)

15 04/20/2016 (KR) Comedy 1h 33m
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Go-hwan, who suffers from Lou Gehrig’s disease realizes that he is going to die. When his best friends ask him what his wish is, he tells them he wants to have sex for the first and last time in his life.

  1. Nam Dae-joong

    Director, Writer

Top Billed Cast

  1. Ryu Deok-hwan

    Ryu Deok-hwan

    Go Hwan

  2. Ahn Jae-hong

    Ahn Jae-hong

    Gap Deok

  3. Kim Dong-young

    Kim Dong-young

    Nam Joon

  4. Jeon No-min

    Jeon No-min

    [Go Hwan's father]

  5. Jeon Mi-seon

    Jeon Mi-seon

    [Go Hwan's mother]

  6. Lee Han-wi

    Lee Han-wi

    [Gap-deok's father]

  7. Lee Byeong-heon

    Lee Byeong-heon

    {The Thug}

  8. Han Kuk-jin

    Han Kuk-jin

    [Homeroom teacher]

  9. Bae Jung-hwa

    Bae Jung-hwa


  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

The Last Ride
The Last Ride

Original Title 위대한 소원

Status Released

Original Language Korean

Budget -

Revenue -


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