Über The Edge of Seventeen diskutieren

I love a good coming of age movie, and after watching Edge of 17 I think it definitely ranks among some of the best. Hailee Steinfeld's performance was very good. She did a great job at portraying her character. Woody Harrelson was great as her teacher/semi-mentor. The story line was very well ploted and executed. Overall, really good film.

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Yeah, it was pretty good... unlike most indepentant films of this sort, it earns the sentimentality and doesnt wallow in self pity despite the victim narrative...

Also, refreshing portrayal of the brother character...

well, you're not supposed to

Yeah, that's kinda what i liked about it... it showed how much her problems were of her own doing, or at least exacerbated by her behaviour... it also showed how much she was affecting others around her...

it's a nice break from the noble victim narratives that we're usually subjected to in these small drama comedies...

Then again, i don't mind movies with unlikable characters

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