Über The Snowman diskutieren

I love Michael Fassbender but the guy makes questionable career decisions.

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Jo Nesbo has a strange sense of humor.

The Snowman puts me in mind of Branagh's Orient Express remake.

Everyone spoke of his stupid mustache. Watching the film you see it once then forget about it. His remake is so by-the-stale-numbers rote and forgettable (you'll forget what you just saw one scene to the next) that lip-walrus is the least of your concerns.

Same for The Snowman. Hole's name is spoken aloud three times, if that often. I doubt anyone chuckled when it was, since by the time someone did the slim-pickings audience was bored to comatose level at the humdrum they were force-marching through.

The criminal wasting of talent like Adrian Dunbar, Chloe Sevigny, etc. was nothing to smirk about, either. Why on Earth did they make this an international film w/ an international cast? Let the Right One In is fantastic; the miserable remake plods on exactly like The Snowman.

@MirrorMask said:

Jo Nesbo has a strange sense of humor.

That was humor?

I was under the impression the story was a hotpot, every trite serial killer cliché of the last five decades dumped in and just given a lazy stir.

@mechajutaro said:

@jw said:

@MirrorMask said:

Jo Nesbo has a strange sense of humor.

That was humor?

I was under the impression the story was a hotpot, every trite serial killer cliché of the last five decades dumped in and just given a lazy stir.

The source novel apparently has a grim sense of humor. Which wasn't present in this movie, sadly

I don't know about the former; but I can confirm the latter.

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