Te Rua (1991)

PG 07/20/1991 (NZ) Drama 1h 45m
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Success has its costs even when you are in the right


A hundred years after the theft from New Zealand of three irreplaceable tribal carvings, two Maori, Rewi and Peter, decide it's time for ancient grievances to be put right. Both men are in Berlin where the carvings are stored in a museum. Plans go awry when a group that Peter has assembled breaks into the museum. Rewi persuades the others to let him put his own, more daring plan into action. Tensions build and international media interest broadens when a sniper's bullet hits Peter.

  1. Barry Barclay

    Director, Screenplay

Top Billed Cast

  1. Wi Kuki Kaa

    Wi Kuki Kaa


  2. Peter Kaa

    Peter Huaka

  3. Nissie Herewini

    Nanny Matai

  4. Maria Fitzi

    Hanna Lehmann

  5. Donna Akersten

    Donna Akersten

    Fiona Gilbert

  6. Walter Kreye

    Walter Kreye

    Dr. Sattler

  7. Jürgen Thormann

    Jürgen Thormann

    Dieter Goetz

  8. Carolyn Del Rosario


  9. Vanessa Rare

    Vanessa Rare

    Helen Marangai

  10. View More

Full Cast & Crew

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Status Released

Original Language English

Budget -

Revenue -


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