Diskutuoti apie مأموریت: غیرممکن - فال آوت

The big one, probably the shot that's the most engaging in the trailer (Ethan in what appears to be a helicopter cockpit, going head on into a displaced truck on a road with absolutely no way it would be avoided) and actually made me the most interested to see the movie, is not in the film. As far as I can tell. I think I would have remembered THAT shot if it was in the movie.

There are definitely shots of Ethan in that helicopter cockpit in the film, and I think they just superimposed two separate shots together. He does go head-on into something but it's very different than what this shot in the trailer was.

There's also a shot of someone falling from a rope in the nightclub but I don't remember anything dealing with falling or ropes in the nightclub scenes.

I'm totally fine with this as I feel/wish that all movie-trailers did what Paranormal Activity 3 did in that it didn't show a single shot of footage from the final film, but only used alternate/specially-made footage for the trailer. It gave nothing away while showing the audience what the movie would be like.

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I did. But thats common now a days. They probably shot more scenes and just had to edit it down for time. I dont think it really mattered much since it didnt seem like it was pivotal to the story.

The Tom Cruise in a helicopter crashes into the side of a trailer truck scene wasn't in the actual movie? Dammit!


Negalite rasti filmo ar TV laidos? Prisijunkite, kad sukurtumėte.


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