Über Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom diskutieren

You have to be kidding me. Seriously wtf is wrong with people? Pratt is a huge name currently, thats why hes getting paid more than Bryce. Hes worked hard to get to where he is and deserves everything he is getting. Bryce is a fantastic actress as well but dosent have the pull that Pratt has, hence the 2 million difference in pay. Not only that but they both have agents that negotiate their contracts. If someone wasnt happy with the amount they would get they could have walked away. But the thing that pisses me off the most is the fact that THE EXACT SAME OPPOSITE happened to Pratt with Passengers. Lawrence got 20 million while Pratt got only 12 million. Where the fuck was the SJWs, the feminists? Anyone screaming and protesting? The answer is no.

So women can get paid more than men, thats fine. So long as men never get paid more than women. The left and SJW mentality right there. Beautifully mentally retarded.

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You know when your getting paid in the millions. i don't think there much to complain about.

I don't think Bryce "Richie Cunningham" Howard personally would have too much to say re any perceived pay injustice, given the fact that she's getting paid at all is down to Hollywood's other shining casting glory - nepotism.

@mechajutaro said:

The most grievous injustice that's gotten practically no airtime: species pay gape. Banking that critter who jumped out of the pool in the last installation didn't see a payday anywhere near so robust as Starlord's, this despite those sequences being one of the movie's chief selling points

Exactly... these are CGI-fests and it's a matter of time before they go fully CGi and leave these greenscreen actors by the wayside...

Anyway, I'm pretty sure thr CGI bill was higher than both top billed actors combined... The again, most computer jockey's are dudes so... 😉😁😂

@The Midi-chlorian Count said:

I don't think Bryce "Richie Cunningham" Howard personally would have too much to say re any perceived pay injustice, given the fact that she's getting paid at all is down to Hollywood's other shining casting glory - nepotism.

I dont think shes said anything about it at all. She seems like shes just happy to be working and having fun. And who can blame her, shes not exactly a top A list actor but she seems sweet and genuine in interviews. Im glad shes working and making damn good money. The only people bitching are white knights and SJWs.

Where was the outrage when Chris Pratt was being paid less than Jennifer Lawrence in Passengers there was none because a woman was being paid more and Jennifer Lawrence has proven she can not fill theater seats while Chris Pratt is going on success after success.

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