Über Solo: A Star Wars Story diskutieren

Well, I can finally point out something the Disney films have better than Lucas and that is to establish that Han shoots first. One of my earliest memories as a child was watching Han Solo outsmart Greedo by sneakily shooting his pistol before Greedo had the time to even get a shot off! It was that moment when I decided that this was my favorite SW character. When Lucas changed that I thought, "Goddamn, what a fuckin' pussy" as he has forever tarnished the scene IMO. Bravo Disney even though you couldn't stop reminding us that he was the "good guy" FFS. At least you got that right.

Yes, I'll bet you have.

Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) - 6 outta 10 stars

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HahA! Damn right. Good luck to anyone who tries to retcon that scene to show Beckett shooting first.

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