Run Melos! (1981)
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Translations 6
ആധുനിക ഗ്രീക്ക് (1453-) (el-GR) |
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Οι δυο φίλοι |
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Η ιστορία του ενός Έλληνα αγρότη που συλλαμβάνεται και κατηγορείται για συνωμοσία εναντίον του βασιλιά. Έχει τρεις ημέρες για να ταξιδέψει στο γάμο της αδερφής του, ενώ ο Σελήνιος, ένας ιδιοφυής γλύπτης και φίλος του, κρατιέται ως όμηρος. |
ഇംഗ്ലിഷ് (en-US) |
Title |
Run Melos! |
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Hashire Melos! is the title of two Japanese animated films. The first was directed by Tomoharu Katsumata and released on Japanese television on February 7, 1981. It was either 68 or 87 minutes long, and its official title did not include the exclamation mark on the end. The second, with the exclamation mark, was a 107-minute remake of the first and was released on July 25, 1992. It featured direction and screenplay by Masaaki Osumi, music by Kazumasa Oda, art by Hiroyuki Okiura and Satoshi Kon, and background art by Hiroshi Ohno. Both were produced by Toei Company Ltd. Visual 80, and both were based on the original short story written by Osamu Dazai in 1940. |
ഇറ്റാലിയന് (it-IT) |
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La grande maratona |
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പോര്ച്ചുഗീസ് (pt-PT) |
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റഷ്യന് (ru-RU) |
Title |
Беги, Мелос! |
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സ്പാനിഷ്; കാസ്റ്റിലിയന് (es-ES) |
Title |
Corre por tu vida |
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Grecia sirve de escenario a este espectacular drama que fira en torno del Rey Dionys, el cual ha perdido su fe en la humanidad. Un hombre joven llamado Meros hace votos de fidelidad a su rey. Esta película presenta un panorama atractivo y sensible acerca del valor intrínseco de la verdad y la amistad entre hombres. |