Keskustele nimikkeestä Kingsman: Kultainen kehä

Simply put, great opening, decent conclusion with not much in between but talk, talk, and more talk. Bad guy is not nearly as interesting as the last film and no memorable scene like The Church this time out.

Non Spoiler Review

3 vastausta (sivulla 1, sivuja yhteensä 1)

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No spoiler review? You describe the entire movie. I was going to watch it but why should I after you've spoiled it.

There is nothing in there that is not in the trailers.

What film have you watched? The film is filled with plot and action. There's thrice the action than in the first one.

There was no need to expand on the Statesmen as they are all stereotypes of themselves. Remember that in the first one you also didn't have any character development apart from Eggsy. Every other character was just skills and a stereotype to their job. Nothing else. In this one they explored and developed the characters we knew of from the first film and gave the same non-developed treatment to the new additions. That's part of the joke.

The sequel also has many shocks, while in the first one I could name one. As it also has several memorable scenes, they are just different than what are you looking for. Vaughn told many times that he's not going to do a repeat of the Church scene nor anything similar, so don't know why would you expect it.

Poppy is a fun but also chilling villain, with an excellent performance by Moore.

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