Über Vamp diskutieren

2nd only to American Werewolf in London in the 80's horror comedy league!

Also the greatest Grace Jones performance.

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That movie pretty was pretty cool along with Fright night

@clockworkorange! said:

That movie pretty was pretty cool along with Fright night

  1. An American Werewolf in London

  2. Vamp

  3. Fright Night

Great list

Yes, I'm surprised I'd never heard of it until recently.

I get the impression Tarantino was influenced by this when he wrote From Dusk Till Dawn. A strip club full of vampires that feeds on it's clientele.

It seems like the kind of thing he'd watch.

Really enjoyed that movie!

I saw it. I seem to recall liking it. I'd like to see it again.

10 stars for Sandy Baron ("Vic" the nightclub owner)!

The 80s had some great horror comedies, that perfect blend where you're not sure how seriously the film is taking itself. Don't forget to add to the list The Lost Boys (the frog brothers scenes are hilarious).

@mechajutaro said:

@GusGorman said:

@clockworkorange! said:

That movie pretty was pretty cool along with Fright night

  1. An American Werewolf in London

  2. Vamp

  3. Fright Night

It's nothing short of blasphemous to leave Re-Animator out of such a list

Ha ha ha. The head in the tray. Ya gotta love it.

@mechajutaro said:

@GusGorman said:

@clockworkorange! said:

That movie pretty was pretty cool along with Fright night

  1. An American Werewolf in London

  2. Vamp

  3. Fright Night

It's nothing short of blasphemous to leave Re-Animator out of such a list

Barbara Crampton 😍😍😍

@mechajutaro said:

@GusGorman said:

@clockworkorange! said:

That movie pretty was pretty cool along with Fright night

  1. An American Werewolf in London

  2. Vamp

  3. Fright Night

It's nothing short of blasphemous to leave Re-Animator out of such a list

I've expanded it to a Top 5 just for you;

  1. An American Werewolf in London

  2. Vamp

  3. Fright Night

  4. Night of the Creeps

  5. Re-Animator

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