Über La cura siniestra diskutieren

As it put me to sleep quickly though it was late and I knew I had to see it in full. So I caught it all this morning with my coffee which was good because at least now I somewhat understand wtf was happening inside the clinic and why, but obviously, at least to me, it seemed there quite were a few holes in the story regarding the "operation" and it's "methods", yes I know pumping eels into someone then ??? Do the eels stay inside of them and exactly how is that small bottle of liquid produced? Obviously it wasn't a lethal operation as he was shown in the film after that "treatment" though not himself so much.

And in those closed steam treatments(?) where their heads were left out and he tried to talk to Pembroke before getting his mouth clamped open and the eels going in, if those treatments did produce that cherished liquid fountain of youth then what was the reason that they were turning the bodies into a prune like condition, drained of ALL of its fluids? Did I miss that part or was that also somehow used in the production of that special foy liquid? I noticed that his death or possibly all of the patients deaths were due to dehydration of all things at a place known for it's very special water, but maybe they drained the bodies like that to use as a cause of death, but that makes terribly no sense. And what of ALL of the clients never returning, none of these rich older powerful people had anyone wonder at some point " hey what happened to so and so" or their spouses, friends and coworkers never missed any of them. Also their homes and apartments and unpaid bills such as rent or mortgage payments being missed mail piling up ect ect. It's all an incredible stretch of disbelief, though I hadn't thought of it until after the film.

Now to argue against my own assertion, everyone of those patients were all happy as hell, none of them seemed to actually want to leave. All of them seemed to be in a sort of extraordinary state of content there until of course their death. Then there would be plenty of sniffing around by the home Countries of each patient/client and these foreign police agents would be upset over these matters, but of course they would all likely get some statement such as "well our patients tend to be very old and as you know sometimes people die at that age, you are free to walk the grounds and talk to any client at all and see for yourself they are all very comfortable here and have had no negative experiences", BUT that only works once, soon there would be warrants served to hand over their books and the entire client/patient history of the clinic and the sh!t would really hit that fan, all of which would happen irl and our reality is what is represented in the film so we have to hold them to the common sensitivity of our world concerning these matters.

If anybody has an explanation regarding the eels or the tanks where patients float in and literally breath underwater as if they're in some sort of stasis, but then are taken out and then they seem to repeat this activity for preparation of the body steamers??

I noticed another post on a different thread about why he waited so long for his daughter to have sex with, something I felt was very obvious and spelled out in numerous scenes in the film all saying that she finally got her period as the baron had waited on for nearly 200 years to try and make sure that he himself can now have a continuation of his pure bloodline.

I'm just throwing darts as far as his process for the fountain of youth, anyone, if you have an interpretation of the process and the basic operation of it, feel free to add. It was awfully complicated and dangerously illegally as I previously stated..

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@ThrillKillz said:

I noticed another post on a different thread about why he waited so long for his daughter to have sex with, something I felt was very obvious and spelled out in numerous scenes in the film all saying that she finally got her period as the baron had waited on for nearly 200 years to try and make sure that he himself can now have a continuation of his pure bloodline.

I'm not sure if you're referring to my thread or someone else's but....

It doesn't make any sense. If I understand correctly, the baron had been giving his daughter the cure (the extracted eel liquid) for the past couple centuries (and it slowed down the aging process). So why then, would he have intentionally slowed down her maturation for all this time if her reaching womanhood (and him being able to continue the bloodline) was the ultimate goal?

Why didn't he just let her reach puberty normally, and THEN start giving her the cure?

All the experimentation and magical eel aspects of this film made no sense.

Also, why did all the patients suddenly act like mindless zombies during that one dinner scene? Since when was mind control an effect of the experiments?

Why did the girl and the guy's mom both know that same song? What was the connection?

@Phasmophobia said:

@ThrillKillz said:

I noticed another post on a different thread about why he waited so long for his daughter to have sex with, something I felt was very obvious and spelled out in numerous scenes in the film all saying that she finally got her period as the baron had waited on for nearly 200 years to try and make sure that he himself can now have a continuation of his pure bloodline.

I'm not sure if you're referring to my thread or someone else's but....

It doesn't make any sense. If I understand correctly, the baron had been giving his daughter the cure (the extracted eel liquid) for the past couple centuries (and it slowed down the aging process). So why then, would he have intentionally slowed down her maturation for all this time if her reaching womanhood (and him being able to continue the bloodline) was the ultimate goal?

Why didn't he just let her reach puberty normally, and THEN start giving her the cure?

Yes there is that element that's missing, perhaps he wanted her to live as long as possible through every year possible even as a child, she had spent centuries "growing" up and experiencing life. Maybe he decided to give her that by giving here "the cure" as a very young girl and he had faith in waiting for her to eventually grow to the age of sexual maturity and that is why it was to be such a big deal for both her and her father when it happened. As far as her knowing that her father had been waiting for this moment for centuries, I don't think she was aware, she was certainly not aware of the reason he was waiting for it.

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