Über Christine diskutieren

...to want to see the original suicide video. I can 100% understand why her family would want to keep it private, and it's their right to do so. But it's human nature to be curious, even about grisly events, and the mystery behind it just makes me want to see it even more.

As a side note, I think Rebecca Hall is fantastic. I loved her in this and The Gift.

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I could imagine the audience that did see it were horrified. It's the stuff of nightmares. There's enough girzzly stuff to watch in fictional movies and there's no way I'd want to watch a real life suicide.

I can't even find any footage of her reporting on the news never mind her death! It was a local news station front the 70's, most of (if not all) of their footage would never have been digitalised, so to imply that the family are selfish for not releasing the footage is just sick.

I could understand the curiosity of seeing footage of stuff like this and other live on-air deaths. Owen Hart and R. Budd Dwyer come to mind, but after seeing the latter, it was so severe that I would most likely not want to ever see anything like it anymore. I have seen someone close to me die in real life, so I personally have no desire to witness something like Christine Chubbuck's gruesome death. Again, I understand the curiosity, but for me, I'd rather not view it because I couldn't "unsee" it.

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