Über Tomb Raider diskutieren

Here's my review of Tomb Raider for anyone who fancies investigating it:


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Post your review here in its entirety. I'm not giving anyone traffic just because they ask for it. I'm here to read stuff here. Not click links.

Yeah, at least post a paragraph here... Start a discussion... Engagge rather than simply link...

@Renovatio said:

Yeah, at least post a paragraph here... Start a discussion... Engagge rather than simply link...

Yeah, otherwise it is just spam IMO.

Glad it's not just me who gets sick of people using forums to attempt to drive traffic to their sites.

My review - I enjoyed it. While I feel there could have been a bit more character development for Lara, I found the movie to be quite entertaining. I don't think anyone will be receiving an major academy awards, but don't let that keep you away!

Obviously, there are parts that are incredulous - suspend your disbelief and you will not be dissapointed. Plus, movie theater pop corn is wonderful! grinning

@PANDJY said:

Obviously, there are parts that are incredulous - suspend your disbelief and you will not be dissapointed.

I found that the drive to make the movie more grounded worked against it in this respect; it was too hard for me to suspend my disbelief.

@M. LeMarchand said:

@PANDJY said:

Obviously, there are parts that are incredulous - suspend your disbelief and you will not be dissapointed.

I found that the drive to make the movie more grounded worked against it in this respect; it was too hard for me to suspend my disbelief.

I had to keep "forgiving" it ... I think I may be getting too old (LOL) to just let things go. I did enjoy it though.

@Horus Mazinga said:

Post your review here in its entirety. I'm not giving anyone traffic just because they ask for it. I'm here to read stuff here. Not click links.


@movie_nazi said:

@Renovatio said:

Yeah, at least post a paragraph here... Start a discussion... Engagge rather than simply link...

Yeah, otherwise it is just spam IMO.

I was about to say the same thing... it is just spam, trying to drag us to other unknown sites.

Thought it was just me that got incredibly pissed off at this practice. Glad I’m not just turning into a grumpy old man and it IS a bit crap to come to a discussion board and try and drive people away from it.

As for Tomb Raider, watched it last night. I had low expectations so was pleasantly surprised it didn’t suck. A couple of scenes which I thought really did a good job in translating the feel of those types of games (tomb raider, Uncharted, Prince of Persia etc.)to screen. The escape into the river and then trying to escape the rusted plane and when she goes back to the camp with bow and arrow (channelling our inner Solid Snakes).

Probably no more than a 6 out of 10 for me though. Very generic and workman like but I did like Alicia Vikander as the Lara and always have time for Dominic West.

@theirishavenger said:

Here's my review of Tomb Raider for anyone who fancies investigating it:


Vikander looks like Bieber.

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