Über Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald diskutieren

This was horrible I havent wanted to walk out of a movie so bad since the Last Jedi .

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I found the first film so dull that I doubt I shall ever give two hours of my time to a worse-reviewed sequel.

With the lowest opening in the franchise, yeah I think most people agree with you.

I didn't have the negative reaction that I've seen online from fans of the Harry Potter franchise. I've never read or watched any of the Harry Potter books or movies, so I was a clean slate coming into the first Fantastic Beasts film which I only watched a few weeks before the release of the sequel. The world of magic, the stories, and the characters in the Fantastic Beasts movies are entertaining enough for me. I was oblivious to any inconsistencies in characters' ages and relationships to one another, and finding out that there were inconsistencies and/or plot holes doesn't bother me one bit.

@poit57 said:

I didn't have the negative reaction that I've seen online from fans of the Harry Potter franchise. I've never read or watched any of the Harry Potter books or movies, so I was a clean slate coming into the first Fantastic Beasts film which I only watched a few weeks before the release of the sequel. The world of magic, the stories, and the characters in the Fantastic Beasts movies are entertaining enough for me. I was oblivious to any inconsistencies in characters' ages and relationships to one another, and finding out that there were inconsistencies and/or plot holes doesn't bother me one bit.

Yeah same here. I saw the first one on a plane a year ago. It was entertaining at least. But I didnt have any connection to the characters or the world so it was easier for me and for you to enjoy it for what it is. But for hardcore fans it probably hurts.

@Damienracer said:

@mcse2000ca said:

This was horrible I havent wanted to walk out of a movie so bad since the Last Jedi .

The reviews have been rather cold towards this movie, so I'm not seeing the unrelenting joy from others about this Grindelwald sequel that you're complaining about.

Oh I'm speaking about this board it makes no sense this movie is horrible!

@mcse2000ca said:

Oh I'm speaking about this board it makes no sense this movie is horrible!

Even this board isn't particularly overflowing with praise for the film. I enjoyed it, though it could've done with being much shorter.

I saw this on 11-27-18 at my local drive-in. I just remember not being that much into it. I also remember during the movie, there were a lot of distractions going on around me. I thought at the time that the distractions might have been the reason why I really couldn't get into the movie, but now that I've read what other have wrote about their experience, my take is that my first recollection is pretty much right on...that it was long, dragged out and at leasts to me, didn't make a lot of sense.

I remember originally thinking if I could watch this again without the distractions; I might like it more. My guess now is that that probably wouldn't be the case.

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