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المراجعة بواسطة Reno

كًتبت بواسطة Reno في ديسمبر 14, 2015

Sometimes the right thing comes from the wrong.

Another excellent Simon Pegg movie. This is his fourth movie I'm seeing inside a month and I enjoyed them all, especially 'Hector and Search for Happiness' was my favourite. This was a romantic-comedy that takes place in just one evening. A story about blind dating, boy meets girl, they spend a quality time by sharing the details and later turn against each other. So a recycled old theme that was very well crafted.

If you see the poster what does the tagline says, well, that's what I was looking for. I had 'Date Night' in my mind, and thou... أقرأ الباقي.

المراجعة بواسطة Peter McGinn

كًتبت بواسطة Peter McGinn في يوليو 26, 2022

This was okay overall. The leads seemed like an unlikely pair at the outset but they started to connect and feel more like a potential couple. The film seemed to contain scenes from the largely forgotten era of gross-out movies, the dialogue ay least, with too many blow job jokes and references. Once or twice and you might get a smile out of me, but after that it just gets tiresome. That and normalizing a guy who is a stalker and an all around perv. The story was a little too nice to him in the end.

But there was enough humor, wit and charm to keep me watching. I recognized a couple of the p... أقرأ الباقي.

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