Über Jamaica Inn diskutieren

Considered a Hitchcock dud by many despite the involvement of Laughton and O'Hara but I really enjoyed this. Great atmosphere of rogues on the rugged English coast, a mixture of entertaining acting (Laughton dialled up to 11) and solid acting (the rest) plus some truly memorable shots.

Maybe I'm getting soft but I found the first instance of violence in this film almost as shocking as Psycho and most fans of this don't seem to even consider that one of the best moment in the film. Definitely worth giving a shot in my opinion.

"Make way for Pengallan!"


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I agree with your opinions of this film (though, having said that, must add that I'm presently entirely unable to recall what transpires in "the [shocking] first instance of violence" that you refer to), and with your 7/10 rating (which I see is also what I gave it).

This is a movie that, whenever I've viewed it, I've enjoyed.

I think he is referring to the smugglers killing the 'sailors' from the wrecked ship (at the beginning of the movie)?

@bratface said:

I think he is referring to the smugglers killing the 'sailors' from the wrecked ship (at the beginning of the movie)?

Yes, the massacre of shipwrecked sailors who were initially seeking help to wade ashore. I have a memory of a goldfish but hope to remember that scene for a few years yet.

@bratface said:

I think he is referring to the smugglers killing the 'sailors' from the wrecked ship (at the beginning of the movie)?

Oh, yes: I definitely now recall that part of the movie. Indeed, startlingly unexpected.

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