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Absolutely flabbergasted at how terrible this is!

Whilst not having an official ban on watching any of his output, I'm no fan of Leonardo DiCrapio so had never watched this. However this evening, whilst browsing through the Netflix options I thought what the hell, let's give it a bash (loved Day-Lewis in There Will Be Blood you see)...

Cannot believe what I saw - was really expecting this to be along the grand lines of something like Once Upon A Time In America but instead it started off with a pitched battle filmed in a style befitting The Muppet's Christmas Carol! Day-Lewis seemed to think he was on SNL or something doing a skit lampooning De Niro. Cameron Diaz then shows up acting like she's doing another turn in some crappy rom-com, then we're back to another it's a musical, only it's not a musical, styling for some bust up between rival fire fighters. So, so bad...

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You gave it a "bash," alright.

I remember renting this one way back in my college years. It was so boring to me, and I'm surprised I even finished it.

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