Typhoon Over Nagasaki (1957)

02/06/1957 (FR) Drama 1h 55m
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Pierre Marsac, a French engineer working for the Nagasaki shipbuilding yards, has fallen in love both with Japan and a charming Japanese girl named Noriko. But Françoise Fabre, a French journalist and Pierre's former lover, contacts him while visiting the Land of the Rising Sun. They meet again, find out their love might not be dead. Meanwhile, Pierre gradually becomes estranged from sweet, humble Noriko. One day, a typhoon strikes Nagasaki...

  1. Yves Ciampi

    Director, Writer

  2. Jean-Charles Tacchella


  3. Zenzō Matsuyama


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Typhoon Over Nagasaki
Typhoon Over Nagasaki

Original Title Typhon sur Nagasaki

Status Released

Original Language French

Budget -

Revenue -


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