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Circuitry Man (1990)

R 05/01/1990 (US) Science FictionAction 1h 33m
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The final frontier is not outer space. It is the human mind.


In a future where most humans have moved underground to escape the pollution, one of the few pleasures left is a kind of narcotic in the form of chips which can be plugged directly into the brain. Lori, a female body guard steals a case of such chips and flees underground Los Angeles with Danner, a pleasure android so that they can smuggle the chips to New York. In pursuit is Plughead, a dangerous criminal so named because of the many sockets and ports which decorate his scalp so that he can test and use the chips that he is after.

  1. Steven Lovy

    Director, Screenplay

  2. Robert Lovy


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Circuitry Man
Circuitry Man

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Original Language English

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