Über Leatherface diskutieren

Leatherface has always been a sympathetic character even in the original film. He's clearly scared, for example, of all the people invading his house (such as the scene where he runs around before putting his head in his hands) and later on we see him being bullied by the cook over the door and he's cowering in response. I think Tobe Hooper even said he's a 'big baby' and likened him to Baby Huey at one point.

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I think a lot of these remakes / reboots really don’t need to be made, especially if the original was a classic anyway. A sequel would probably be more welcome. Or reboot a bad movie that had a great title or premise but not much else going for it. Or just make an original movie.

I guess reboots are aimed at teens with low standards and they make $ so what do I know?

@Mrs.peacock said:

I think a lot of these remakes / reboots really don’t need to be made, especially if the original was a classic anyway. A sequel would probably be more welcome. Or reboot a bad movie that had a great title or premise but not much else going for it. Or just make an original movie.

I guess reboots are aimed at teens with low standards and they make $ so what do I know?

There are just too many of them, and a lot of them are not particularly great.

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