Über Avengers: Infinity War diskutieren

today Disney has bought 21st century FOX and no has the rights to Xmen and Fantastic Four. Think of the possabiltys. The Avengers can say the word "mutant"

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Silver Surfer, Galactus and Dr. Doom!!

The possibilities are endless now. I'm sure it'll take 3-5 years before they're able to integrate everyone into the MCU, but it's an exciting time for Marvel fans to now be able to see everyone and everything accessible to storytelling.

It's not official yet. The government can still say no to the sale, and some are already complaining about it. Won't be official till sometime near the end of the year once the acquisition deal is approved by the government bodies looking into it.

@Damienracer said:

@Innovator said:

It's not official yet. The government can still say no to the sale, and some are already complaining about it. Won't be official till sometime near the end of the year once the acquisition deal is approved by the government bodies looking into it.

It is official, what the hell are you talking about? You've mistaken Comcast buying sky UK which is different from Marvel acquiring its American cousin Fox.

It's not, the DOJ is still investigating the acquisition (it's supposed to last for 8 months), though all points that it's in the bag. One of the groups against it is the Writers Guild of America West. It could still fall through because of the investigation. Other companies, like COMCAST, have already made counter proposals just in case the Disney deal is not approved by the government.




Damien, you should know me by now that I research whatever I say before I say it. And there's been a lot more articles on this since the deal was made.

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