Discuter de Man Down

Man Down, a war thriller with Shia LaBeouf, grossed just £7 ($8.70) when it premiered in a single U.K. theater over the weekend, according to ComScore. That’s the equivalent of selling a single ticket, given that the U.K. Cinema Association puts the average movie admission cost in the country at £7.21.

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Popular movie, I see. :P

hahaha... It's actually not that bad...

maybe they didn't like his british accent for Nymph. I mean whoever bought that ticket lol kudos grin now curious to see this.

laughing Now I kind of want to watch this movie, just to see if it's really all that bad.

He's actually quite a good actor. Just seems like a bigger douche!

@elliotthomas97 said:

He's actually quite a good actor. Just seems like a bigger douche!

When I now think of Shia LaBeouf I always think of this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXsQAXx_ao0

lol. rofl

Haha. Is he taking the mickey there or what?! I wonder what Spielberg thought when he basically said Indiana Jones 4 was garbage!

@elliotthomas97 said:

Haha. Is he taking the mickey there or what?! I wonder what Spielberg thought when he basically said Indiana Jones 4 was garbage!

I'm willing to bet that Spielberg would agree. He made Indy 4 as a favor to George Lucas. For years, Lucas hounded him and Ford to do another movie but they could never agree on the MacGuffin (the motivating item). I think that eventually George just wore them down and they gave in. Spielberg was doing something nice for George and, let's face it, Harrison wasn't really in demand anymore.

The sad part is that he actually is a fantastic actor. To bad he has so many personal issues and warped views.

@Rocketeer Raccoon said:

When I now think of Shia LaBeouf I always think of this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZXsQAXx_ao0

lol. rofl

oh wow lol to be fair that was motivating! yum

The sad part is that he actually is a fantastic actor.

Yeah, i was rooting for him before & he was like an inspiration for disney stars. He's still young so, good luck to him grinning

@OddRob said:

The sad part is that he actually is a fantastic actor. To bad he has so many personal issues and warped views.

Is it too early to call him the greatest actor of his generation? I think we're getting close to that stage... I'd love to see him paired up with a solid director...

Hang on! My local is a Reel and "Super Saver" (Tues and Weds only) tickets are £6. Why do Northerners get all the low prices?


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